Sunday, February 25, 2007

March Class Schedule

Just a quick note.

Have my class schedule for March for the store.

March 3 1pm Felted Purse Class $15.
Learn the basic of felting and knitting in the round

March 10 1pm Tunician Crochet Pillow $15
Pick up a new crocheting skill

March 11 1pm-5pm Spinning Sunday
Store will be open. Bring your spinning wheel or use a store wheel to practice. Knitters and crocheters are also welcome.

March 17 1pm Ribbon Shawl $15
Make a simple but elegant spring/summer shawl

March 24 1pm Elizabetb Zimmermann Practically Seamless Baby Sweater $15

March 31 1pm TBA

All month on Friday and Saturday 10a-12pm Knit Along with Pat will feature a shell top made with SWTC Bamboo. No fee. Help will be available as needed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read about your shop and your knitting class. My friend and myself woul dlove to learn to knit. Can you email me about the hours and location? Thanks!
Maggie at