Monday, September 24, 2012

Back in Action at The Ewe!

Hello, Everyone!!

Your "Roving Reporter" has returned from her travels, and has missed you all!!  My vacation was great, and I was able to use the time finishing several projects that had been patiently awaiting my return to finish them projects.  Of course, I started three more upon completion, but I find this is what we all do!! ; )

UPDATE--The "Building Blocks" and Sweater classes have been very successful!! We are glad to see all of the the folks that have turned out for these classes, and hope you all will come in to start "Socktober" with us.  Now is the time to start working on those socks for the chilly days ahead.
Also, check us out on Facebook!!

"Knit & Perk"--No, this is not an error--it is to announce the MONDAY KNIT NIGHT in Jacksonville at JAVA JOLT!!  This is just a fun night for knitting and crocheting, and of course, COFFEE!  Also decaf coffee, or tea.  For those folks who live in Calhoun County and miss us on the Square, we can visit and catch up at Java Jolt.  We will be doing this every Monday night, from 5 p.m to 8 p.m., and hope you will join us!!

COOL ITEM OF THE WEEK--We are pleased to announce the arrival of a really cool yarn called "COming Up Flowers."  This is a fabulous yarn that can be knitted on a size 11 Hiya Hiya needle, or a 13 if you like.  The flowers literally "pop up" as you knit the piece.  We have 3 lovely "bunches" in at this time, and it just makes a beautiful piece.  The yarn retails for $14.95, and is so well worth it!!  Stop in the Ewe this week, and try out our sample knit.  Bonus tip:   these "flowers" are POLLEN FREE!! : )
**ATTENTION--This is also this week's  "Lunch & Learn" project for Thursday, Sept. 27.  Y'all come!!

Well, this is a short update after a long absence, but thereseveral things to tell you over the next few days.  September is quickly coming to an end, and we look forward to seeing you all more often as you work on your winter projects.  We will have more news and updates over the coming weeks, and look forward to see you soon!  Hav a great day, and beautiful evening.

I remain, as always,
Your Roving Reporter,
Becky : )

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Ewe News and Updates

Hi, Everyone!!

Welcome to Tuesday morning!! There are several things to tell you about that are happening and new at the Ewe!!  September is flying by, and we know fall means getting into those new knitting and crocheting projects that you will want to give as gifts to others, and of course new and fun things you can use yourself!!

UPDATE--Monday nights are going to be "Java Jolt" knit nights in Jacksonville!!  I willl be updating you with times, or you can always call us at (256) 546-9090, for times.  This may be a perfect fit for those who are closer to Jacksonville, or you would like a little different venue for knit night.  We look forward to seeing you there!!

SWEATER WEATHER--The September Sweater class is off and running!! We are excited to tell you that we will be opening another sectionf of this class for Tuesdays.  I will have times for this later today, so stay tuned!!

BUILDING BLOCKS IS BUILDING UP--The two classes for the "Building Blocks" is also doing very well!! We have had wonderful responses to our first block class, and we are looking forward to the next one!  We hope everyone is enjoying the classes, and we look forward to more great classes with you all, and tell your friends, too!!

"TWO THUMBS UP"==Pat and Detta are receiving great kudos among those who are taking the classes with them!!  These two lovely ladies of the Ewe are working hard at making your experiences rewarding and fulfilling when you come to the Ewe.  Just wanted to take a minute to say "GREAT JOB!!" If you are taking classes with them, they love teaching, and we hope you will want to share the good times with your friends who would love to learn a new needle skill, or work on a knitting or crocheting project that they have wanted to do.

REMINDER--Tuesday is KNIT NIGHT at the Ewe!! We look forward to seeing you there tonight!!

Well, I am off and running. Many things to do and see, but most of all, looking forward to seeing all of you at the EWE! 
Have a great day!!

Your Roving Yarn Wench.
Becky : )

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Thursday Daylight Update!

Hello, Everyone!!

I guess that "hello" is my daytime greeting. : )   Now that is after 12:00 p.m., and I have had plenty of coffee, I can provide you with more deatils about today and tomorrow's events!

UPDATE--SUSAN HOPE!! Susan is the lovely yarn rep that will be visiting with us at The Taming of the Ewe on FRIDAY, SEPT. 7th, from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.  She is the representative for Aurora and Shaeffer yarns, and this is a Cash & Carry event!! Please come by and meet Susan, add to your yarn stash, and have a great time with us!!

BOLO--Today marks the first day of the new Building Blocks class.  It starts at 1:00 p.m. today, and we are looking forward to hearing some wonderful reports about this class.  We will "repeat" the class on Saturday, so if you work during the week, come join us on Saturday.  Same great class, different day!! We will keep you posted on the progress of this project.

REMINDER--This Saturday also marks the FIRST day of our FALL SWEATER CLASSEsS!!  This should prove to be a lot of fun, and quite handy for those cooler days of fall that we know are coming soon!  The classes are spread out over the next three (3) Saturdays in September, so be sure to join us!! We look forward to seeing you there!!

Well, your roving yarn wench must start roving again (not that I ever stop!)   : )
Wishing you all a wonderful afternoon, and a beautiful evening,
I remain,
Your Roving Yarn Wench : )

Thursday Thoughts and 1st Friday is on its way!

Hi, Everyone!!

It is early Thursday (very early!), and we are looking forward to today's "Lunch and Learn" class, and (drum roll, please!), the new Building Blocks Class!! This is the first of a 12 part class that will prove to be a fun and innovative project for anyone interested in expanding their new knitting skills.  If you can't make the Thursday 1:00 p.m. class, that's cool...we have another session of the same class schedule for Saturday.  If you have any questions, please call the Ewe at (256) 546-9090, or email us at   We look forward to seeing you.

A BIG THANKYOU!!--I would like to say "thank you" to all of you who are starting to follow the blog from the Ewe.  We appreciate the interest in what's new with the Ewe, and we are working hard to let you all know of upcoming classes, events, sales, and more!!  Again, thank you!! : )

1st FRIDAY ALERT!!--Sept. 7th marks First Friday, and we are looking forward to seeing you!  We are open EXTENDED HOURS, and we welcome you to come by and spend some time with us at the Ewe!  1st Fridays are always exciting, and offer a bit of fun for everyone. So, make sure you come by and join in the fun!!

COOL ITEM OF THE WEEK--We have a lovely yarn rep coming to the Ewe also on this Friday.  She will be on hand with a "Cash & Carry", which is always a great opportunity to see what's new and what's on special!!  Make sure to join us, and I will have the time posted later today.

Wishing everyone a great day!!
I remain,
Your Roving Yarn Wench