Tuesday, September 02, 2008

September Class Schedule

September 6 2pm $15
Multi-Directional Diagonal Scarf
A great class for Advanced Beginners. Learn increases/descreases and short row shaping while making a striking scarf.

September 13, 20, 27 $25
Socks on two circulars. A basic sock class for beginning sock knitters
Week 1: Casting on in the round and cuffs
Week 2: Turning heels
Week 3: Finishing your toes, the Kitchner stitch

October 4 $15
Long Cat Scarf. Knit the perfect scarf for a cat lover and learn double knitting at the same time.

Other Events
Beginning Knitting Every Saturday 10:30am
Knit Night Every Thursday 6pm-9pm
Knit and Sip Every Tuesday 1pm-5pm come and join Pat for knitting and a cuppa tea

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